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Ansible离线安装 安装环境 CentOS7.6,Python2.7.5,Ansible2.7.10 1、Ansible简介: Ansible是一个基于Python开发的开源自动化工具,实现了批量 Jump start your automation project with great content from the Ansible community 环境: CentOS 6.75(Ansible 2.0) Windows Server 2012 (PowerShell 4.0) 1、确保PowerShell版本为3.0以上 ansible要控制windows,必须要求windows主机的PowerShell版本为3.0以上,如果版本不满足要求需要升级PowerShell。 Mar 11, 2021 · Installation Guide¶. Welcome to the Ansible Installation Guide! Installing Ansible. Prerequisites; Selecting an Ansible artifact and version to install Ansible 从1.7+版本开始支持Windows,但前提是管理机必须为Linux系统,远程主机的通信方式也由SSH变更为PowerShell,同时管理机必须预安装Python的Winrm模块,方可和远程Windows主机正常通信,但PowerShell需3.0+版本且Management Framework 3.0+版本,实测Windows 7 SP1和Windows Server 2008 SCCM 2012升级到1702 Windows 10补丁更新问题 科技小能手 2017-11-12 23:46:00 浏览1248 Ansible 详细用法说明(一) Aug 24, 2020 · Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. - ansible/ansible

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Ansible Windows Support. Ansible 在 2.3 版本之前对于 Windows 支持的并不算很友好,从 2.4 版本开始已经可以使用原生模块实现很多需求. Because Windows is a non-POSIX-compliant operating system, there are differences between how Ansible interacts with them and the way Windows works. # ansible -m win_shell -a 'shutdown -r -t 0' 5. 测试创建用户(远程在windows客户端上创建用户) # ansible -m win_user -a "name=testuser1 passwd=123456" 6. Windows服务管理. Ansible命令格式: ansible [远程主机IP地址] -m win_shell -a “net stop|start 服务名” 示例:启动与停止 使用ansible 测试windows 主机. cat /etc/ansible/hosts [windows] ansible_ssh_user="Administrator" ansible_ssh_pass="123456" ansible_ssh_port=5986 ansible_connection="winrm" 以上就是详细介绍Windows下如何使用Ansible应用的实例的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章! SCCM 2012升级到1702 Windows 10补丁更新问题 科技小能手 2017-11-12 23:46:00 浏览1248 Ansible 详细用法说明(一) Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform contains modern tools for managing and automating Microsoft Windows environments. In this checklist, you will learn 10 ways Ansible can be used to manage and execute core functions in Windows environments, from security updates to …

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