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2014年9月8日 今天要介紹的「不只是」下載YouTube 的工具,而是更有用的,可以剪輯錄音 YouTube 影片變成更靈活的MP3 與GIF 素材的免費線上服務! 2020年7月5日 YouTube 上有许多搞笑、风趣的视频片断,因此许多人都市下载下来剪接并!制作成 GIF 做成心情包,分享给其他小伙伴,而这操作步骤很麻烦, 




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All the GIFs and Stickers from in a compact extension. Just search, then drag and drop! GIPHY for Chrome. 377. Ad. Added. ‎Make watching your favorite videos easier with the YouTube app. Explore brand new content, music, news and more with the official YouTube app for iPhone and iPad. Discover even more with the official YouTube app. Subscribe to channels with your favorite content, share them with friends or upload yo…

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