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Sheri S. Tepper is the author of several resoundingly acclaimed novels, including the Arthur C. Clarke nominated Gibbon's Decline and Fall, Six Moon Dance, The Family Tree, A Plague of Angels, Sideshow, Beauty (voted Best Fantasy Novel of the Year by readers of Locus, now a Fantasy Masterwork) and Grass, a Science Fiction Masterwork. Biblio offers nearly 100 million used books and rare books for sale from professional antiquarian booksellers around the world. Uncommonly good books found here. The myriad alien civilizations populating far, distant worlds have many good reasons to detest the blight called "humankind" . . .The only human child living in a work colony on the Martian satellite Phobos, little Margaret Bain has invented six imaginary companions to keep boredom and loneliness at bay. Each an extension of her personality, they are lost to her when she is forced to return to The "magic" that once was America died horribly along with most of the Earth's inhabitants when an asteroid crashed into the planet sometime during the twenty-first century. Hundreds of years have passed, and all that remains of the time before are fragmented memories distorted by superstition -- as a tragically reduced populace suffers greatly under the tyranny of a repressive ruling order.

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Sheri S. Tepper is the author of several resoundingly acclaimed novels, including the Arthur C. Clarke nominated Gibbon's Decline and Fall, Six Moon Dance, The Family Tree, A Plague of Angels, Sideshow, Beauty (voted Best Fantasy Novel of the Year by readers of Locus, now a Fantasy Masterwork) and Grass, a Science Fiction Masterwork. Biblio offers nearly 100 million used books and rare books for sale from professional antiquarian booksellers around the world. Uncommonly good books found here. One’s daily life is support systems, and concern for civility and fairness, it regulated by strict rules and rituals; and a committee of seems, on the surface at least, to be the perfect place—the wise Elders chooses one’s spouse, children, profession, and utopia that writers and philosophers long have imagined even one’s very name. Jul 02, 2008 · 1.亚当斯,道格拉斯(ADAMS, Douglas)。《银河系搭便车指南》(The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , 1979)首先是深受喜爱的系列广播剧和电视连续剧,进而演变为畅销的系列科幻戏仿漫画和这位英国作家的书迷会。2005年,由这部作品拍成的电影受到欢迎。

Biblio offers nearly 100 million used books and rare books for sale from professional antiquarian booksellers around the world. Uncommonly good books found here. One’s daily life is support systems, and concern for civility and fairness, it regulated by strict rules and rituals; and a committee of seems, on the surface at least, to be the perfect place—the wise Elders chooses one’s spouse, children, profession, and utopia that writers and philosophers long have imagined even one’s very name.

Sheri S. Tepper (1929–2016) is the award-winning author of A Plague of Angels, Sideshow, Beauty, Raising the Stones, Grass, The Gate to Women's Country, After Long Silence, and Shadow's End. Grass was a New York Times Notable Book and Hugo Award nominee, and Beauty was voted Best Fantasy Novel by the readers of Locus magazine. “Sheri S. Tepper takes the mental risks that are the lifeblood of science fiction and all imaginative fiction.” —Ursula K. Le Guin, Los Angeles Times Her first new novel since The Margarets, The Waters Rising marks the glorious return of the extraordinary Sheri S. Tepper, the award-winning contemporary master whom Locus has called, “one of sf’s most distinctive voices.” -Sheri S. Tepper-Bill Bryson; Ordered. Step 1. Step 2.. Step 2a.. PDF 文档 EPUB 文档 MOBI 文档. 温馨提示 每天每在网站阅读学习一分钟时长

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